Dana Honey & Danny Casavant

Dana and Danny are old friends from Winnipeg. During COVID they decided to try recording remotely as Danny now lives in Vancouver and Dana has relocated to Kamloops. Their goal was to recreate songs they loved from their childhood with as much authenticity as possible. I got involved in a small way to make their […]

Trama – Where did this band come from?

Trama Promo Shot

Trama – Where did this band come from? In early 1980, my band Shama’s days were over. We had achieved many great things, but fate drew us an ugly hand. Everyone in Shama came from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario and had attended Bawating C&VS High School. The music program there was by a wonderful teacher […]

Loneliness for Love by Vertigo – 1988

Vertigo MuchMusic Interview with Terry David Mulligan, Bill Thomas and Mick Dalla-Vee

Loneliness for Love by Vertigo – 1988   MuchMusic This is an interview with Terry David Mulligan on the release of the ‘Loneliness For Love’ video. The band was called ‘Vertigo’ and their debut album was produced by the world renowned, Jack Richardson. Jack was the producer of The Guess Who, of whom I was […]

Lindsay Ell

Lindsay Ell

I first heard of Lindsay Ell in 2004.   I was touring some ‘soft seaters’ with Randy Bachman across Canada with our ‘story-teller’ show. On this tour he would have a ‘warm-up’ act (a rarity). The warm up act would be this young guy from Alberta, Canada named Michael Carey who’s album Randy had just […]

A Day of Terror – A True Story

A Day of Terror – A True Story   The day was Monday, June 14th, 1999. I’ll remember that day very well for the rest of my life. It started out early for me. Being a professional entertainer, I had performed the previous night and had finally made it to bed at approximately 3:30 a.m., […]

Remembrance Day 2020 (Notes from November 2008 Sinai Peninsula, Egypt)

I awoke on this first morning approximately 10 miles across the desert from the Gaza Strip. You could hear the artillery and fighting across the desert. Over 5000 military troops from all over the world are stationed at this base. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinai_Peninsula It was a beautiful desert morning and as I positioned myself on the front […]

“Slider”- Russell Marsland and Mick Dalla-Vee

Russell Marsland

“Slider”- Russell Marsland and Mick Dalla-Vee This was probably the first most memorable thing I ever did in my studio. It was in early 2000 with my old G-4 Mac with my first Pro Tools rig… a DIGI-001. Earlier, Russell Marsland had asked me if I’d like to join him in representing ‘The Double Whammy’ […]

High School Confidential – CKVU TV Special – Vancouver 1983

High School Confidential

This actually became the impetus to forming ‘The Shoes’ for EXPO ’86 3 years later. ‘The Shoes’ ended up becoming ‘Revolver – The World’s Best Beatles Band’ Rocket Norton (drums), and John Hall (keyboards *both from the band Prism*) along with Skip Prest (guitar and vocals from the band Sweeney Todd) landed a gig as […]

Balderdash Memorabilia (CASS, Contract, Set-lists and Organizational Skills) Posted in 2014

Balderdash at The Station Mall, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada, Mick Dalla-Vee, 1975

Balderdash Memorabilia (CASS, Contract, Set-lists and Organizational Skills)   I recently went through some old manila envelopes I had stored in my closet. One was entitled ‘Mario Dalla-Vicenza Last Will and Testament’ (My dad died in 1992…I still haven’t read the will to this date – no real need to…). Out of curiosity I emptied […]